Curriculum and Daily Rhythm

Curriculum and Daily Rhythm

For the Children

Our curriculum is guided by nature-based practices and rooted in the Montessori philosophy with special attention to the unique needs of the young child. Through grace and courtesy lessons, an important component of any Montessori community, our children learn how to take care of their own needs while respecting the needs of others and the environment. Our indoor and outdoor prepared environments are designed to support independent as well as collaborative play, and children are given ample opportunities to develop concentration and focus while learning how to share space with others, a skill that will serve them for the rest of their life. In addition to refining practical life skills, such as washing one’s hands, eating with utensils, and using the toilet, the children engage regularly in hands-on work or activities in the areas of language, math, science, art, nature and more, all of which will serve as a foundation for future academic success. Most importantly, they will be provided with plenty of opportunities to move, get messy, explore and HAVE FUN!

For the Parents

In recognition that you will always be your child’s most important teacher, I aim to support and empower families by providing regular opportunities for education, conversation and engagement ensuring an optimal learning experience for your child that extends beyond the classroom walls. Traditional topics of conversation include how to bridge the child’s work between home and school, how to manage challenging behaviors, and how to meet the child’s evolving needs. I believe the prepared adult is an essential component of the prepared environment, whether that environment be school or home. By working together, I believe we can provide continuity that will help build a solid foundation for your child that will serve both your child and and your family for years to come.

Work vs. Play

In the Montessori environment, the word work is synonymous with play. In addition, it is a word that is all-encompassing. Dr. Montessori believed that play was essential to the young child’s development, whether social, emotional, or cognitive. You’ll often hear us use the word work, but don’t be confused. In our community, work equals play, it is purposeful, it is meaningful, and, believe it or not, it is FUN!

“Play is the work of the child.” Maria Montessori

Daily Rhythm*

8:30 – 9:00 Drop Off

9:00 – 9:30 Snack & Toileting

9:30 – 11:00 Indoor / Outdoor Work Period

11:00 – 11:30 Circle / Storytime

11:30 – 12:00 Lunch & Toileting

12:00 – 12:30 Pick Up

* Please note these times are approximate and may fluctuate dependent on the weather and the needs of the children. In the toddler community, flexibility is key, and we prioritize consistency in routine above adherence to a strict schedule in order to best meet the needs of the children.