How are you doing on this cold winter day? Grateful to be indoors? Or a little stir-crazy? We’ve had our fair share of sunny days over the last month, so I find it difficult to complain about a few cold days, but I’ll be honest. I find the inconsistency in weather a bit unsettling. It can be difficult to know how to plan anything or even know how to dress on a daily basis, and my inner child is on the verge of throwing a tantrum at times!

On the plus side, it reminds me that this is how our little ones must feel on a regular basis. I mean, they have very little control over their lives in the same way that we have no control over the weather. No wonder they’re prone to throwing tantrums! Fortunately/hopefully, at this stage in our lives, we are able to respond to reason and move through our frustration calmly and rationally. Or not. It’s ok, I get it. The point is, recognizing and regulating our own emotions is an essential first step in helping our children identify and manage their own.
What can you do, however, when you feel like throwing a tantrum of your own, especially when your child is having yet another meltdown? First, breathe. Pause and ask yourself, “If I’m feeling this way, how must my child be feeling?” This can help you move through some challenging moments while helping you foster more compassion for both yourself and your child. Sounds simple, but I know it’s not easy. It takes a lot of work and intention on a daily basis and managing your child’s (repeated) tantrums can feel both isolating and exhausting.
How can I help? I’m happy to make myself available to answer any questions and share a few tips! I’ve heard from a few parents already and feel like this is a timely topic. Are you interested in joining the conversation? If so, I hope you’ll join us for our Parent Night on Wednesday, February 15th at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. Email me directly for the link and to RSVP.
Until then, keep in mind, everything is temporary. Even in the midst of a tantrum, be assured that the storm clouds will pass . . .
Side note: This message was part of my monthly newsletter emailed on the first of the month to everyone who subscribes to my newsletter. If you’re not on the list, but wish to be included, you can sign up via our Contact page.